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Respectfully serving
The Communities of
Melbourne, Bendigo, Shepparton and surrounds

My pledge is to provide a sincere and significant ceremony at a relatively insignificant price

Every important choice in life is a reason to celebrate. Ask me how you can mark any occasion with warm memories      







Some of my Poems







Real Love
By Christine Haddrick, 2010

Love relationships are like water
may be taken for granted ,
Easily obtained by turning a tap
often wasted,
And yet, like water
love in relationship is essential
to maintain life
to create excitement and generate fresh discovery..

In its abundance we may not notice it.
In its scarcity, we fade

Love is like a seashell
Beautiful to handle and look at
but flawed
in time.
Chipped & broken here and there
Faded in the sun
Scarred by rocks…
easy to see only flaws
on a once beautiful shell
… toss it aside

Colour, shape and lovliness
Yet remains - though locked inside
Enhanced by age

Real love grows
sees past flaws
Sees inner beauty
Real love exists in being together
Sharing dreams
Real love protects and accepts,
Holds the loved one tenderly
Allowing love to flow like water, through caring hands
To nurture where it falls……then
…….. to return to the loved one
Again and again
There to caress in affirmation
To plan in union
to learn more of one another

Herein lies the secret of loves freedom
Trusting the word of loving
knowing and believing in the value of the loved.
while never alone

Christine Haddrick


Dawning Morning

The sun comes up in the morning
And gently nuzzles the earth awake
Softly, so softly
Colouring each blade of grass
Each leaf
As she rolls out her carpet of pinks and blues
Purples and greens
Like a box of crayons –
Spilt and rolling to every corner
Random colours everywhere
Calling for light and life
Her warmth enfolds and comforts and cajoles
Reaching the soul
Coercing a new goodness
Inviting beginning

by Susan Costello


Universal Connection
( A Prayer for the Bride & Groom )
By Christine Haddrick

All knowing and all-loving spirit
Spirit within and spirit without
You in me and I in you
Holding tenderly
Loving me as I am
With my faults and talents and dreams.
Your presence is all around me –
In the sun, the soil, the grasses
and tiny insects

You are present in all around me,
to my right and to my left
Above and below
I am never alone.
Magnetic energy
Connecting me to all I love
Linking me to family, friends and the one -
Even when I seem alone.

Guide me in the process of my becoming
Remain with me as we grow together
Toward each days reunion.
Toward wisdom

Christine Haddrick


Orchestra of the sea

Walk along the cliffs
high above the sea
breathing in cool crisp air
tensions blown to the wind
cradled in calm and euphoria
Coastal grasses,
Delicate, swaying in the breeze
tickling your legs
look down on black, jagged rocks
changed by wind and wave
life in love
and love in life

Heed the orchestra of the sea.
Deep, thunderous bass
crashing over hollow rocks.
only to trickle back to sea
like gentle violins
dancing to pace before the next
thunderous roar
Lovely percussion
mantra of rhythm of the relentless sea
holding you in love
in unison with a constant beat

while hundreds of trumpets
within your body
until your breath is one
one with the one you love
With the synthesizing echoes of the sea
Your soul is moved
with its song
Transcending courage & purpose
As earth and sky and wind and sea
Enable you to breathe
Breathe in natures gift
To cope in storm with calm
In unity

Christine Haddrick